Allow us to introduce ourselves...
We are a Karatedo teaching project in Goju Ryu, Uechi Ryu and Okinawa Kobudo styles to rescue martial tradition and good customs as integral human beings for society. The programs are aimed at people of any race, gender and condition, individuals. and/or companies. Simple teaching sessions without forgetting M.A Fit (Karate with electronic music) to strengthen the body, mind and general health. We carry our programs through group, private or online classes using social networks efficiently. Our values: Family, Discipline and Effort...
¬ Obi´s Project

¬ Cnki Usa International
They are the acronym of the NATIONAL INTERSTYLE KARATE CONFEDERATION. Where more than 12 countries worldwide converge traditional Karatedo and Kobudo styles by leading masters from America and Europe. Its headquarters is in Belgrano Argentina through its founder Hanshi GUSTAVO CARLOS GONDRA with more than 20 consecutive trips to Okinawa since the 80s. Under this organization you will be able to affiliate the Shito ryu, Shorin ryu, Wado ryu and Shotokan ryu styles and achieve the independence of your dojo or organization, as well as obtain online classes and exams and continue advancing technically. Currently CNKI USA INTERNATIONAL is directed by Shihan Luis Castro from the United States.

- Publish news and events on our news blog.
- Participation in face-to-face and online karatedo and kobudo seminars and talks.
- Participation in Cnki arbitration clinics.
- Request in-person and online seminars in your country.
- Right to participate in all national, international and world events that we represent.
- Possibility of participating in the team of international advisors of Cnki Usa Intnl.
- Annual dojo card and license.
- Low membership fees.
- Approvals and promotion exams.
- Socialization with several world leaders.
-Representation of Obi or Cnki Usa Intnl. in his country.
The Affiliate receives:
- Annual Membership Certificate.
- Membership card and incorporation on the Official website.
How to join?
- Request membership as a traditional style of karate or kobudo in (Form).
- Submit photocopies of the latest graduation certificates and curriculum vitae of the group director.
- You will be informed about the rates by email.
¬ Membership benefits
Global Technical Advisors Cnki Usa International
Gustavo Gondra Hanshi
9th. Dan Karatedo - 8th. Dan Kobudo.
Global Director

¬ Argentina

Daniel Sanchez Sensei
3th. Dan Shotokan
Shotokan Coordinator
Luis Castro Shihan
5th. Dan Goju ryu - Kobudo
3th. Dan Uechi ryu Karatedo